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兹拉坦:为什么我把金球奖输给了 CR7 和梅西

时间:2022-06-16 13:18:23 来源:


兹拉坦:为什么我把金球奖输给了 CR7 和梅西


迄今为止,在他辉煌的职业生涯中,瑞典人已经打进了 500 多个进球,并在瑞典、荷兰、西班牙、意大利、法国和英格兰赢得了重要奖杯。

然而,尽管连续 23 年打入网坛,但他在金球奖投票中的最佳成绩是第四名,这位 40 岁的前锋现在有了一个假设,即为什么在大多数情况下只存在双头垄断。他的职业生涯。

"These are political awards. They want 'Mr Perfect'," he told German outletBild.

"If you speak and say what you think, you can't get them.

"It's easy to give them to Mr Nice Guy. It doesn't change anything for me, it doesn't make me better or worse."

The only individuals to winFrance Football's prestigious accolade between 2008 and 2017 were Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, with Croatia midfielder Luka Modric ending the duo's outright dominance in 2018.

Ibrahimovic has never won the iconic Golden Ball, nor has the seemingly polarising figure won the UEFA Champions League, but he believes that once he hangs his boots up, he will go down as one of the greatest footballers ever to grace a pitch.



兹拉坦目前正试图帮助红黑军团夺得自 2010/11 赛季第一次效力俱乐部以来的第一个意甲冠军。

