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时间:2023-04-05 18:55:17 来源:互联网



Soccer, also known as football in many countries, is a popular sport worldwide. The game involves two teams of eleven players each, who aim to score goals by kicking a ball into the opposing team"s goal post.

Spelling and Pronunciation


The word "soccer" is spelled with an "s" instead of a "c" in some countries like the United States and Australia. In other parts of the world, it is spelled as "football." The pronunciation also varies depending on the region. For example, in American English, it is pronounced as "sock-er," while in British English, it is pronounced as "fut-bol."


Some common soccer terms include:

  • Goal: A point scored when the ball crosses the opposing team"s goal line.
  • Foul: An illegal play that results in a free kick for the opposing team.
  • Penalty Kick: A free kick taken from the penalty spot awarded for a foul committed inside the penalty area.
  • Offside: When an attacking player is closer to the opponent"s goal than both the ball and the second-last defender at the moment a pass is played.

The Rules of Soccer

Soccer has several basic rules that players must follow:

  • The game begins with a kickoff from midfield.
  • A player can use any part of their body except their hands and arms to touch or move the ball.
  • The ball must cross completely over the goal line to count as a goal.
  • If there is a tie at the end of regulation time, extra time or penalty kicks may be used to determine a winner.

Soccer Around The World

Soccer is played in virtually every country around the world. Some countries have established professional leagues with millions of fans, while others only have amateur leagues. The FIFA World Cup held every four years brings together national teams from all over to compete for soccer"s ultimate prize - The World Cup Trophy!


In conclusion, soccer/football is an exciting and beloved sport worldwide. From its spelling and pronunciation differences to its unique vocabulary and rules, this sport captures hearts and minds across cultures and borders. Whether you"re playing or watching from afar, there"s no denying that soccer/football has earned its place as one of humanity"s most beloved pastimes.
