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时间:2023-04-03 14:07:02 来源:互联网




1. Play football/soccer


“Play football” 或者 “play soccer” 是最基本的表达方式。其中,“football” 通常用于英国和其他欧洲国家,而“soccer” 则是美国等地通用的词汇。例如:

- Let’s play football together. (我们一起踢足球吧。)

- He enjoys playing soccer every weekend. (他每周末都喜欢踢足球。)

2. Kick the ball

在比赛中,进攻方需要通过踢球来得分。因此,“kick the ball” 这个动作也经常出现在讨论中。例如:

- The striker kicked the ball into the net and scored a goal. (前锋将球踢入了球门得分了。)

- You need to kick the ball harder if you want to shoot from long range. (如果你想从远距离射门,你需要更用力地踢球。)

3. Pass the ball

除了独自进攻外,团队合作也是足球比赛中至关重要的部分。因此,“pass the ball” 也是一个必须掌握的短语。

- She passed the ball to her teammate and he scored a beautiful goal. (她传给了队友,他打进了一个漂亮的进球。)

- The midfielder needs to improve his passing accuracy in order to control the game better. (中场需要提高传球准确度以便更好地控制比赛。)

4. Header/Head the ball

除了用脚之外,头顶皮球也是足坛上常见的技巧之一。“header” 或者 “head the ball” 就是指这个动作。

- The defender made an amazing header and cleared the ball out of danger. (后卫出色地头顶皮球将其解围了。)

- He accidentally headbutted the ball and got a yellow card from the referee. (他不小心用头撞到了皮球并被裁判出示黄牌警告。)

5. Score a goal

最后当然还有一个目标——得分!“Score a goal” 就是指成功把皮球射入对方网门得分。

- Messi scored two goals in yesterday’s match and helped his team win 3:0 against Barcelona rivals Real Madrid. (梅西昨天打进两个进球,并帮助他的队伍以3:0战胜巴萨死敌皇马。)

- If you want to score more goals, you need to work on your shooting skills during training sessions. (如果你想多进几个进球,你需要在训练时加强射门技巧练习。)


