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时间:2023-05-02 18:37:43 来源:互联网



Table football, also known as foosball, is a popular game that can be played by people of all ages. It is a miniature version of soccer and is played on a table with small plastic players attached to rods that are controlled by the players. In this article, we will discuss how to play table football in English.

Setting up the Game


To set up the game, place the table football on a sturdy and flat surface. Each player should choose their team and position their players on the field. The ball should be placed in the center of the field. The first player to serve should be decided by a coin toss or any other fair method.

The Objective of the Game

The objective of table football is to score as many goals as possible before the time runs out. A goal is scored when a player successfully passes the ball into their opponent"s goalpost without touching any other player"s rod or figure.

Basic Rules

There are certain basic rules that need to be followed while playing table football. Players cannot touch or move their opponent"s rods or figures during play. If a ball goes out of bounds, it should be placed back in play from where it went out. If a player accidentally touches the ball with his hand during play, it results in a foul and his opponent gets possession of the ball.

Tips for Winning

To win at table football, players need to have good control over their figures and rods. They should aim to keep possession of the ball for as long as possible and look for opportunities to score goals. Players should also try to anticipate their opponent"s moves and block their shots effectively.


In conclusion, table football is an enjoyable game that can be played by anyone who loves soccer or wants to have some fun with friends or family. By following these basic rules and tips for winning, players can improve their skills and enjoy hours of entertainment playing this classic game.
